BIS-21++ PhD presentation seminar

20 March 2006, Institute for Parallel Processing
Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 25 A, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


Following one of the main activities of project BIS-21++ (WP2) namely the organizations of numerous internal seminars presenting the results of the young researchers, on the 20th March 2006 at the Institute for Parallel Processing in 218-auditorium was held a seminar on:

Architecture for Compatible Multiagent Systems - Aleksandar Kazandzhiev

Models of Component-Based Software Architecture - Aleksandar Dimov

Following the objectives of WP3 Networking with BIS-21++ partners for organising joint supervision of PhD students and meeting opportunities between Bulgarian PhDs and their foreign second supervisors, a chief scientist was invited:

They discussed on PhDs' presentations and made terms of references and recommendations for their future development.

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