BIS-21++ Scientific Seminar

29 August 2006, Institute for Parallel Processing
Acad. G. Bonchev Str., Bl. 25 A, 1113 Sofia, Bulgaria


On the 29th of August 2006 at the Institute for Parallel Processing, auditorium 218 was held a BIS-21++ Scientific Seminar. The seminar was performed by two foreign PhD students who was supported by the project BIS-21++ - WP3 that is supporting longer-visits for training.


14:00 Christian Weihrauch, who is a PhD student at the Scientific Computing, ACET Centre, Reading UK, presented:

Data Splitting for Parallel Linear Algebra Monte Carlo Methods

16:00 Rayner Alfred, who is a PhD student at Artificial Intelligence Group, Department of Computer Science, University of York (UK), presented:
Parallel Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering of Bulgarian-English Documents

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